Spring Fling 2021

Making all the GIFs.


That’s right, we all feel it….spring time is here!!

And with it, the Spring Fling writing contest. The guidelines were to write a story of maximum 150 words inspired by a spring GIF. Check out other entries on the link or on Twitter using the hashtag #SpringFlingKidLit.

May I introduce you to a remarkably rare tulip named…


By: Alicia Meyers

WC: 140

In an elegant garden of forget-me-nots, 

Beamed one unforgettable tulip named Tulee, 

with remarkably rare powers.

When her roots wiggled,

her stem jiggled,

her petals fluttered


A rainbow burst from her leaves through the air.

“AGAIN, TULEE!” the flowers would cheer.

One day, the rain poured down,

And the sun hid for days.

The forget-me-nots wilted with despair.

Tulee tried to help, when...


All that came out was air. 

Her color faded.

Tulee felt rootless.

Without purpose.

Forgotten in the garden of forget-me-nots.

Until, she noticed her reflection in the puddle.

Tulee gazed at her radiant red petals.

Galiant green stem.

Bright smile; shimmering like the yellow sun. 

Her roots wiggled.

Her stem jiggled.

Her petals fluttered.


A colorful rainbow burst into the air, different from before.

This time…

an explosion of Tulee’s inner color.


PB Critique Fest 2021


50 Precious Words 2021